Interactive Stories : Improvisational Fiction

About FictionFace

Growing up, I loved books where the reader got to choose which action to take (e.g., if you open the door, go to page 23; if you return to the room, go to page 13). It was exciting to find out where each decision led though all the possible paths were predetermined and printed in the book.

Why not leave the possibilities open?

"Improvisational Fiction" is what I’ve dubbed the writing form where I as your trusty guide start us on a path, and as the story develops, provide options for next steps. Readers vote by poll to determine how the story unfolds. Decision points may be small or large, trivial or not. I’ll write as we go—neither one of us knows how things will turn out, just like life.

Join the new adventure.

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Please contact me with any suggestions, questions or comments at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing your feedback. For additional information on my fiction work, see