Interactive Stories : Improvisational Fiction

How to Use this Site

The FictionFace home page displays the current installments of the stories in progress. At the end of each story is a poll to vote on a character's next step or a plot element. To cast your vote, select the radio button of your choice and click on the "vote" button. The poll displays the current tally. To post a comment, click on the poll's "Comments" link.

Polls close at 10:00 PM Eastern (UTC-5) Monday through Thursday. Friday polls are open until 10:00 PM Eastern (UTC-5) on Sunday.

Stories that are appropriate for children (as well as adults) are marked with the "kid friendly" icon. These are stories that children could read directly and/or have a parent read to them and indicate the child's or the family's poll vote.

To read the full versions of the current stories, use the "Read Full Story" link under its title or the "Stories in Progress" drop-down menu. (Tip for parents: If you'd like to have your child read an in progress kid friendly story apart from the other current stories, you could open it from the "Stories in Progress" menu).

To read the completed stories and their poll results, click on the "Completed Stories" menu option.

For any suggestions, questions or comments, please e-mail me at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing your feedback.

For additional information on my fiction work, see